What is ORCID?

ORCID is a non-profit, independent organisation that provides an identifier - ORCID iDt - that researchers can use to clearly distinguish themselves, and a way to link research results and activities to a unique identifier. ORCID is integrated in a number of systems used primarily by publishers, founders, institutions and other research-related services. More information about ORCID is available at orcid.org.

How and why do we request ORCIDs?

The journal asks for your ORCID because it avoids confusion between the work of authors with the same common name, problems arising from the use of different name variants or name changes, and facilitates automatic data processing in indexing databases. When you click on the 'Authorize' button in the ORCID pop-up window, we will ask for your identifier in the authentication process: one way is to register an ORCID identifier, or if you already have one, by logging into your ORCID account and giving us access to your ORCID identifier. We do this to ensure clear identification and secure attachment of your ORCID. For more details about signing in, please see What's so special about signing in.

Where are ORCID identifiers displayed?

Confirming that your ID has been authenticated, click the ORCID icon iD icon will be displayed next to your name on the submitted article page and on your public user profile. .
More information is available at the link below: How should an ORCID iD be displayed.